- What is the future of WTL? Will it be made an official framework? (WTL的未来如何?它会成为一个商业框架吗?)
- What is the Need for the Future of Metropolis? 大城市的未来需要什么?
- What is the future of Road Show? 路演的未来方向?
- Question:What is the future of Kiribati Answer: Wet. 问: 什么是未来的基里巴斯 答: 湿。
- Whither (ie What is the likely future of) the shipping industry? 航运业何去何从?
- The gird is the future of the network. 网格是未来网络的发展方向。
- What is the eco-city for the future? 青岛如何走向未来的生态城市?
- What is the future work for the WTO? 世贸组织今后几年的工作有哪些?
- Lastly, what is your hope for the future of Hong Kong cinema? 最后,你对电影新一代有什么寄望?
- What is the future of the mining companies share prices? Are we expecting to see consolidation or a fall in the near to medium term? 矿业股票价格在未来有何表现?我们是否可以预期其在短中期会调整或下跌?
- What is the future of humanity? Behind the web and flow is a torrent of eternal conflict. when the conflict continue, they give birth to tragedy. 人类的未来究竟在哪里?文明的薪火背后,是永无止境的分歧。当分歧无法解决的时候,悲剧就发生了。
- What is the future of a democracy where a President can be assassinated under suspicious circumstances while the machinery of legal action scarcely trembles? 总统在可疑的环境下被暗杀,司法机构却无动于衷,这种民主的未来是什么?
- And what is the special significance of the suggestion to the future of Singapore,as it is encouraging the citizenry to look towards the outside world and recruiting talent from abroad to help boost a knowledge-based economy? 在这个呼吁国民放眼天下、吸收外来人才以提高国家竞争力、经济逐渐转向知识经济的时刻,如此的建议,对我们的国家社会的未来发展有着什么特别的意义?
- What's at issue here is the whole future of the industry. 争论的焦点是这个行业总的前景。
- What is the future for tech VCs in Europe? 什么是未来的高科技风险投资在欧洲?
- What is the exact size of the room? 这个房间的确切面积是多少?
- What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?
- What is the essential theme of the play? 这剧本的主题是什麽?
- What is the best way of proceeding? 最好采取什麽方式继续下去?
- What is the literal meaning of the word? 这个字的原义是什么?